Aquarius New Moon
by Kathy Crabbe
This is an important New Moon as it is the first one of 2025. This is a good time to seed your intentions for the moonth (or year) ahead.
Airy, stubborn, and radical-minded Moon in Aquarius encourages us on a emotional, heart-level to see things from a broader perspective. I like to picture myself as a cat on a flying carpet viewing the world from above; aloof and detached so I can get a better view of what’s happening below in the world.
Where in your life do you need to detach and see the bigger picture?
“Moon in Aquarius As she moves through Aquarius, the moon brings the liberation of understanding. You can detach yourself from old emotional patterns and see your mother, lover and friends as individuals. Talk to your green friends now, but don’t plant new ones.” ~ Excerpted under open copyright laws with permission from the author, Jenny Yates as originally published in the We’Moon Datebook.
New Moon in Aquarius & Lunar Imbolc: Jan. 29, 2025 at 4:36 am PST.

About Aquarius
Aquarius – The Water Bearer
Time of Year – Winter, Imbolc,
January 20 – February 18
Quality – Fixed
Element – Air
Ruler – Uranus
Anatomy – Ankles, bloodstream, circulation, shins,
Natural sign of – 11th house
Opposite sign – Leo
Color – Electric blue, turquoise, silver
Gemstone – Obsidian, opal, sapphire
Tarot card – The Star
Goddesses – Feng P’O P’O, Freya, Ix Chel, Nut, Tien-Mu
Aquarian Meditation
Aquarius is the knowledge that all we do effects humanity.
We are humanity. We are love.
A new vision is birthed from the old.
Aquarius Affirmations
I seek out unusual people and experiences.
I overstep my boundaries to create the unusual and manifest my dreams.
I teach unconditional love.
I believe in the limitless possibilities of life.
I am called to the circle where I tend the web of community.
I am a force for change.
Change Begins With You
- See the interdependence of all life forms in an unbroken web of consciousness
- Feel hope and freedom as you dream of the future
- Know that the earth is alive
- Teach us how to care ethically
- Spread goddess consciousness wherever you go
- Walk your talk
Aquarian Goddess ~ Ix Chel
The Great Mayan Snake Goddess of water and the Moon,
Guides women in childbirth and those on the loom.
Among the Maya of the Yucatan peninsula, Ix Chel was the name given to the snake-goddess of water and the moon, and of childbirth and weaving. This night-riding goddess spent her energies nursing the women of earth through pregnancy and labor, taking special care of those who visited her sacred island of Cozumel.
Pick-A-Card for the New Moon in Aquarius
- Soul Reading -

Card 1: Perdida kept her fishy stories to herself
A Message from Perdida (Lefty Oracle)
Mantra: I am at peace.
Affirmation: A secret is a treasure I guard with my heart.
Element: Water
When this card appears in a reading it suggests that you need to share less of yourself with others. Are you over extending yourself right now? It’s time to make space and time for you even if it’s only one minute a day. Set aside a specific time of day starting today because YOU

Card 2: Nicotiana
Message from Nicotiana (Fairy Herbal Deck)
Affirmation: “I am purified and blessed.”
Sacred to the American Indian and long used by shamans in religious ceremonies; for curing, conversing with spirits, purification, divination, dreaming, and at the beginning of a journey. Smoked by all during funereal rituals to help concentrate power and assist the soul on its journey to the Otherworld.
Astrology: Mars, Neptune, Pluto
Deity: White Buffalo Woman
Element: Fire
Healing: Use with caution

Card 2: The Hermit
The Hermit's Message (Sire Song Mermaid Tarot Oracle)
Song: Quiet Seeker of the Sacred – I am beloved and at peace.
Gifts: Cautious, crafting, detached, good timing, healer, introverted, patient, prophecy, teacher, therapist, truth seeker, wise woman, witch.
Shadow: Corruption, disguised, fear, Peter Pan complex, treason, unguided.
Astro/Deity: Capricorn, Mercury, Saturn, Virgo / Cailleach, Cerridwen, Circe, Uisg.
MerMagik: Amber, amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, clinidae fish, conch, crab shell, dew, hagstone, hazel, falcon, jet, lavender, mullein, mushroom, pink jasper, sapphire (star), sow, valerian, violet.
New: Weekly Ancestor Spirit Circle of Hope & Beauty
For those seeking hope and beauty we will convene weekly in shared space - your ACTUAL PRESENCE NOT REQUIRED. Join here: Weekly Ancestor Circle — Kathy Crabbe
Each week you will receive a guided audio meditation of hope, relaxation and wisdom to guide you in the coming week along with a pdf of gorgeous oracle images.
Inspired by dreams, the Ancestors, oracles (including first-ever glimpses of my newest Shadow Fairy Oracle), Siren Song Tarot, goddess and gods, chakras, crystals, magic, the stars, herbs and the elementals of earth, air, fire and water.
We will share sacred space to breath in mana, hope and love together. For together we are stronger and we CAN make the choices we need to make.
Life is Beauty.
Blessed Be.
Kathy Crabbe
Channeled Message from the Ancestors
This year we look back.
This year we look forward.
We talk to the Ancestors.
We will blend our powers
with the gods,
tell our stories
to each other.
Support and guide
when we can.
And so it is.

Upcoming Moon Magic eClass
I am thrilled to offer the next session of my 4 week eClass beginning at the New Moon on February 27, 2025. This magical online class will awaken your creative, intuitive soul and is offered at Susun Weed's Wise Woman School.
Learn more here: Divine Feminine eClass
About Kathy Crabbe
I've been an artist for as long as I can remember, and my journey as a soul reader began at the age of forty, after five years of painting with my non-dominant left hand. This practice profoundly enhanced my intuition. In 2008, I created the Lefty Oracle deck and began offering intuitive soul readings, touching many lives in profound and playful ways.