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Video Viewing Room

Archive of Videos by Susun

St. Joan's Wort for Long COVID

St. Joan's Wort for Long COVID

Susun talks about the benefits of hypericum perforatum for the immune system in fighting long COVID.

Menopausal Years Celebration

Menopausal Years Celebration

Over One Million copies sold!! New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way.
Join us in celebrating! Watch this whole series on my YouTube channel.

Susun Weed and Z Budapest

Susun Weed and Z Budapest

50 Years of Goddess Spirituality (from Goddess Festival 2022)
Susun Weed discusses the amazing herstory of the early feminist/Goddess movement and how she met Zsuzsanna Budapest

Mullein for breathing help

Mullein for breathing help

Susun shows us Mullein and tells us how to make Mullein infusion and Mullein chai milk. Mullein keeps our lungs healthy.

Weed Walk Chickweed & Cleavers

Weed Walk Chickweed & Cleavers

Plants from the woodland garden, stars of holland, chickweed and cleavers. Chickweed is nice in salads, great as a tincture, and oil also. Cleavers is lymphatic mover.

Maitake vinegar

Maitake vinegar

Susun shows us how to make maitake mushroom vinegar.

Hypericum and wound healing

Hypericum and wound healing

Susun talks about using Hypericum St. John's / Joan's wort. for wounds.
Join Susun Weed, and 21 other lovers of St. John's/Joan's wort, while we share our decades of personal and clinical experiences, thoughts, visions, and research.

Maitake mushrooms

Maitake mushrooms

Susun cooks up Maitake mushrooms, and talks about their health benefits.



Susun shows us Mallow. Which is great to eat in salads. Mallow soothes the digestive system and respiratory passages.

Wild Ginger

Wild Ginger

Wild ginger (asarum canadense) is an important midwives plant and used to help move the birth along. It is rarely used, and only in special cases.

Reishi mushrooms

Reishi mushrooms

Susun shows us, Reishi mushrooms which is used as an adaptogen, a helper for people doing chemo therapy, heart health and more.

Burdock stalk

Burdock stalk

Susun shows us Burdock leaf stalk and talks about how to cook it. She talks about the root and how it grows as well. Burdock is wonderful for the liver and skin.

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