Opening to the Sacred Feminine Part 1

by Roslyne Sophia Breillat
"This inner feminine journey, this inner quest, this opening and healing of the womb, dissolves past layers of emotional pain and melts hard layers of intellectual ideas, robotic conditioning and societal structures that are not aligned with her true nature."
When a woman opens to and welcomes the sacred feminine within, she is opening to and welcoming the beauty, power and sacredness of an ancient, timeless mystery, long suppressed, dishonoured and forgotten by contemporary civilisation, yet very much alive beneath the tarnished layers of a society that does not celebrate or acknowledge the sacredness of life.
These forceful layers of the outer world have seeped deeply into the female psyche, where they mask a woman’s true nature, true power, true beauty, true magnificence and strength.
When a woman returns to the sacred feminine as her true nature, she also returns to the Earth as her true nature.
She learns to flow with the natural synchronicity of her lunar cyclic rhythms, she ceases listening to the shallow chatter of her mind and the shallow dictates of the world, she connects ever deeper with the wise mysterious power of her womb, she listens ever gently to the wise ways of her heart and to the ancient heart wisdom of the Earth.
This inner feminine journey, this inner quest, this opening and healing of the womb, dissolves past layers of emotional pain and melts hard layers of intellectual ideas, robotic conditioning and societal structures that are not aligned with her true nature.
For deep within, beneath these restrictive layers of untruth, she is a vast and mysterious space of emptiness, stillness, peace, an exquisite intuitive inner unknowingness that arises from the heart, from the womb, from the Earth, and not from the mind.
The sacred feminine is infused with the softness of sweet surrender, not surrender to anyone or to anything, but the surrender of life itself, of love itself, of life to life, of love to love, of life being life, of love being love.
As these comfortable, familiar, yet stifling layers dissolve, uncertainty and fear can arise, or she can experience a profound psychic purging of deep grief for the loss of her sacredness, the suppression of her mystery, the denial of her power.
This is all part of her releasing process and an inherent facet of her healing, of her return to the ways of the sacred feminine, of her return to the ways of love, as she relinquishes all that does not serve her integrity, her purity, her sacredness, her fire. And this is all a necessary part of her reawakening, as she sheds the many illusions of her mistaken identification with a world that is not of her, that is not her, as she opens to the profoundly wise mystery of the womb.
Sophia (Roslyne Sophia Breillat) was a woman who lived, wrote and painted from the heart. The inner richness and profound healing of her life experiences were inspiration for her flowing creativity. Her articles and art embrace the beauty, power and sensuality of the feminine essence and celebrate the natural flow of woman’s transformational cycles.
Sophia’s training and experience included primal therapy, intuitive massage, reconnective healing, writing, art and design, astrological counselling, instructional skills, training program design and teaching within the Aboriginal community. She also facilitated many creative and inspiring workshops and courses.