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 Fairy Salad
 Fairy Salad

Give thanks as you harvest each blossom, each leaf. Be aware of the gifts you are receiving. Open yourself to the realm of the fairies as you touch each plant.

16 Violet (Viola) flowers

8 Periwinkle (Vinca minor) blossoms

24 Creeping Jenny (Glechoma hederacea) tops

12 Purple dead-nettle (Lamium purpurea) tops

12 Dandelion blossoms

12 Forsythia blossoms

32 blossoms from garlic mustard or any other wild cress

8 springs of wild oregano or any other wild mint

8-16 tender cronewort tops

For best results, all ingredients in this salad must be wild. Growing wild in your garden does count as wild. You can substitute or leave out any ingredient except the cronewort tops and the violet blossoms.

Give thanks as you harvest each blossom, each leaf. Be aware of the gifts you are receiving. Open yourself to the realm of the fairies as you touch each plant. Invoke the fairies as you make your salad, as you drizzle tamari on it, as you add some wild chive vinegar or cronewort vinegar, and as you slosh on the olive oil. Give thanks. Invite the fairies to join you as you consciously eat the green (and yellow and blue and purple and silver) blessings that you have gathered for your meal. Give thanks.  

And when you awaken, you will remember your beautiful dream of the fairies.

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