Triple Goddess Elixir

Triple Goddess Elixir (my name for it) is said to be curative for any problem that a woman encounters.
The Goddess lives all around you. Bottle her up with this ancient remedy, reputed to be at least six thousand years old, from The Yellow Emperor, a healing text from China.
Triple Goddess Elixir (my name for it) is said to be curative for any problem that a woman encounters. It can dissolve cysts in the ovaries and breasts, regulate menses, ease menopausal symptoms, strengthen the nerves and the heart, and increase serenity as well.
I love the vinegar on salads. I reserve the tincture for tough cases.
Make it now, before the motherwort leaves get too bitter and the chickweed goes to seed. Yes, go outside right now and harvest your herbs and make it. Timing is of the essence for the herbalist.
Harvest equal parts maidenwort (Stellaria media), motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca), and cronewort (Artemisia vulgaris). Use stalks and leaves of chickweed and motherwort. Use the white roots of the cronewort as well as the leaves.
Gather your plants and cut into manageable pieces. Fill a jar 1/3 full of the maiden, then 1/3 full of the mother, then the final 1/3 with the crone.
Add vinegar or 100 proof vodka.
Seal, label, and wait six weeks until use.
The dose is a tablespoonful of vinegar in water or on food; or a dropperful of tincture taken two or three times a day.